Meet the cast of "Dead Metaphor": George Hampe

Meet George Hampe, who plays Dean Trusk in Dead Metaphor . George Hampe Dead Metaphor runs through March 24. Learn more about the production and order tickets. L to R: George Hampe as Dean Trusk and Anthony Fusco as Oliver Denny in Dead Metaphor . Photo by Kevin Berne. What are your preshow/postshow rituals? Before every show, I eat an entire cantaloupe . . . just kidding. My preshow ritual is just so boring. I stretch. I warm-up. After a show, I'm always good for a drink. What is your favorite thing about San Francisco? The crystal blue skies. We don't get that much on the east coast. If you weren't an actor, what would you be? Sitting on a beach. That life seems nice. What was your most memorable job interview? I've never had a real job. What is your favorite moment in Dead Metaphor? When my cue light goes off to start the show. Which character do you identify with the most? Probably Dean. Except for the trained killer part and the expec...