The Chalk Circle Experience

posted by Nick Childress, cast member of The Caucasian Chalk Circle Nick Childress is a member of the A.C.T. Master of Fine Arts Program class of 2010 and a member of the cast of John Doyle’s production of The Caucasian Chalk Circle . Nick writes about his experience rehearsing Brecht's play for the A.C.T. mainstage. When I found out that I was cast in The Caucasian Chalk Circle , I immediately shot up to cloud nine and spent weeks up there. Then one day a fellow cast member told me, “You’re going to have a lot of fun.” Now I am blessed to be a member of the M.F.A. Program, which I am very proud of. But I am also coming to the end of three years of having every ounce of work I have done be watched and commented on by a whole lotta faculty members, staff, and peers. So, needless to say, “Fun” is not often a word in my daily vocabulary when it comes to the rehearsal process. “What? That cannot be right,” I thought to myself. I know what fun is. I mean, I’m 25. TRUST ME, I k...