How Can I Support the Arts Right Now?

By Miranda Ashland

All around the country, arts organizations are struggling after having to shut their doors and cancel upcoming programming due to COVID-19. We’ve compiled a list of ways to support the arts community.
A.C.T.'s Geary Theater. Photo by Marco Lorenzetti.

How to Support an Arts Organization
Many organizations are nonprofit and employ not only artists, but dozens of staff: administrators, customer service, concessions, janitors, ushers, curators, ticketing services, security, and more. These are ways you can support them.
  • Donations
    • No matter how small, monetary donations are instrumental to the survival of most arts companies. If you’ve purchased tickets to an event that’s now canceled, donate your tickets back. If refunds are automatic, turn the refund into a donation.
  • Buy for the Future
    • Purchase a subscription to the next season or a ticket to a future performance. You’re helping the organization now and giving yourself something to look forward to.
  • Buy a Gift Card
    • If there are no performances or seasons available for purchase now, buy a gift card to use on a future event.
  • Watch a Virtual Performance
    • Check out the theaters offering the option to stream performances for purchase. It’s a chance to view productions nationwide you might never have seen.
  • Take an Online Class
    • Theater institutions may have online or virtual classes you can take at home. Keep your (or your kids') creativity engaged and aid an arts organization at the same time.
How to Support Individual Artists
Many artists work from production to production to make ends meet. Check out these ways to help artists in need.
  • Donations
    • Artists have been adding the links on their websites to their digital payment apps and services like Patreon, Venmo, gofundme, Zelle, and CashApp. Think about donating directly to your favorite artists.
  • Buy Art Online
    • Artists who create physical pieces of art usually have a website or Instagram account to sell their work. Check out their recent posts and see if anything strikes you.
    • Purchase a play or book from your favorite author or playwright—an audiobook, physical, or electronic copy.
  • Donate to Relief Funds that Support Freelance Artists
A.C.T.'s Strand Theater. Photo by Bruce Damonte.

How to Offer Non-Financial Support
We know that at this time it could be difficult to donate when many of us are feeling the effects of COVID-19. So here are some low- or no-cost ways to support the arts.
  • Send a Care Package
    • Send a care package to an artist out of work: a note with words of encouragement, non-perishable food items, a homemade gift, or anything else that could help.
  • Aid Them Digitally
    • Promote artists and arts orgs by writing a rave review on their Facebook page. If they've done a recent livestream or created other engaging content, share it on your page and include their donation links.
  • Contact Local Politicians
How to Further Support Beyond Yourself
Your support, in any form, is great. So why not share it around and encourage others to support too? Talk to your friends and family about artists and arts organizations you love. Tell them why they’re important to you and encourage them to support in their own way.

Like these ideas and want to support A.C.T.? Check out our donation page if you’re feeling generous, learn more about online classes with our Young Conservatory and Studio A.C.T. programs, and fill out this Unused Ticket form if you still have tickets to a canceled A.C.T. performance.

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