Upgrading The Geary

By A.C.T. Publications Staff

A backstage view of A.C.T.'s Geary Theater. Photo by Elspeth Sweatman.
There are changes afoot at The Geary. While the theater is dark this summer, our production team is upgrading a vital but mysterious piece of infrastructure: the stage management panel. Unseen by theatergoers, this panel controls many important systems that keep our shows up and running. Its communication system enables stage managers sitting up in the booth at the top of the balcony to talk with crew members backstage and cue scenery changes. Its paging system lets them call actors to the stage in preparation for their next entrance. And its cue system provides stage manager with control of all the lights in the theater; they can dim the houselights and cue all light changes throughout the performance.

When you arrive at The Geary for Sweat—the first show of our 2018–19 season—that opens on September 26, you won’t notice anything different. But the talented artists working on our stages this season will now have the latest theatrical technology with which to create.

To learn more about the exciting shows we have on our mainstages this season, click here.

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