Last Chance to See Homefront

By Taylor Steinbeck

Only four performances remain of the Young Conservatory’s evocative musical, Homefront. Playing at The Strand Theater until Saturday, August 19, Homefront tells the story of three siblings who flee from Germany during World War I to find new opportunities in America. Directed by Domenique Lozano, with a book by Craig Slaight and music and lyrics from Creighton Irons, the play sheds light on war’s damaging effects and the difficulties immigrants face.

The cast of A.C.T.'s production of Homefront. Photo by Jay Yamada.
The musical wrestles with weighty themes requiring maturity to perform, and the YC students have risen to the occasion. Made up of two casts with the lead actors rotating roles, Homefront has given the 26 students involved a chance to learn about a dark side of American history. Stage manager Joelle Hagen is especially impressed by how the youthful cast has taken on these complex, yet relevant issues. “It’s amazing to see the next generation of theater artists bringing us back to what storytelling is all about: education and communication,” she says.

Audience members have also been moved by Homefront. A patron said of the show, “My friend and I enjoyed all the performances, and I’d like to go again to see the other cast.”

The Kolemeir siblings (L to R): Else (Lyle Belger), Horst (Alex Cook),
and Emma (Ayra Demirovich). Photo by Jay Yamada.
Though Homefront is performed entirely by young people, Hagen believes that it will affect audiences of any demographic. “This is an incredibly timely piece, reflecting our country’s past on the current situation,” she says. “It’s an important conversation to be having with people of all ages.”

Homefront runs until August 19 at A.C.T.'s Strand Theater, 1127 Market Street, San Francisco. Click here to purchase tickets. To learn more about the YC Program, click here.

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