Meet Rebekah Brockman, who plays Thomasina Coverly in Arcadia

Name: Rebekah Brockman
Role: Thomasina Coverly

Rebekah Brockman
Arcadia runs through June 16.
Learn more about the production and order tickets.
What are your preshow/postshow rituals?
Preshow: I never step foot onstage without a splash of my mum's perfume (it reminds me of home), but this show I am wearing a perfume Allegra Edwards [who plays Chloë Coverly] gave me since it is our last show together.
Postshow: A nice cold drink . . . lately it has been a Black & Tan.

What is your favorite thing about San Francisco?
When I am able to go home and watch the sun set and hear the fog horns from the ships coming in.

If you could live during a different cultural period, what period would it be and why?
I think I would choose sometime in the distant future. I am curious to see what is built upon the foundation we are creating today.

What was your favorite discovery during the rehearsal process for Arcadia?
Honestly, my favorite discoveries come from being with the audience. Each audience is unique and the beauty of live theater is that we are all in the moments together and communicating with each other. They are just as much a part of the storytelling as the actors.

Rebekah Brockman (Thomasina Coverly) and Jack Cutmore-Scott (Septimus Hodge) in A.C.T.’s production of Tom Stoppard’s Arcadia, directed by Carey Perloff. Photo by Kevin Berne.
What is the most difficult aspect of speaking with an accent? Do you use any fun tricks?
Jack Cutmore-Scott [who plays Septimus Hodge] is a blessing to have as a scene partner because I can go to him when I have a question about a sound, and he comes to me with words that stand out to his ear.

What is your favorite part of working on a Stoppard play?
By far it is the passion in each character and how that passion manifests in each character.

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