Meet Rebekah Brockman, who plays Thomasina Coverly in Arcadia

Name: Rebekah Brockman Role: Thomasina Coverly Rebekah Brockman Arcadia runs through June 16. Learn more about the production and order tickets. What are your preshow/postshow rituals? Preshow: I never step foot onstage without a splash of my mum's perfume (it reminds me of home), but this show I am wearing a perfume Allegra Edwards [who plays Chloë Coverly] gave me since it is our last show together.
Postshow: A nice cold drink . . . lately it has been a Black & Tan. What is your favorite thing about San Francisco? When I am able to go home and watch the sun set and hear the fog horns from the ships coming in. If you could live during a different cultural period, what period would it be and why? I think I would choose sometime in the distant future. I am curious to see what is built upon the foundation we are creating today. What was your favorite discovery during the rehearsal process for Arcadia ? Honestly, my favorite discoveries come from being with...