A Summer of Transformation: Two Student Perspectives on A.C.T.'s Summer Training Congress

by Elspeth Sweatman Week One: How did you come to learn about A.C.T.’s Summer Training Congress? Lauren Richardson: An actor friend of mine participated in the STC last summer and told me what she learned here changed her life so I knew I had to apply. And I have learned so much in this past week! Just one of the many transformative things is the importance of maintaining awareness of your breath. When you let the breath in, you are relaxed and are more present within your work. STC student Lauren Richardson. Drew Olvey: A.C.T.’s Summer Training Congress attracted me with the promise of advanced technical training, personal growth, and a better understanding of my role as an actor within a community. And even in week one, the program is providing me with the acting technique I need to advance my career and the understanding of the power of theater as a tool for social, political, and personal transformation. What has your STC experience been like so far? LR: One class, my...