Old Friends, New Friends: Actor Sharon Lockwood on Returning to A Christmas Carol

By Elspeth Sweatman and Annie Sears Christmas may have passed, but the holiday spirit is still thriving here at A.C.T. Many members of the A Christmas Carol cast and crew have made this performance an integral part of their holiday tradition, including actor Sharon Lockwood, who plays Mrs. Dilber and Mrs. Fezziwig. Lockwood has performed at A.C.T. for nearly 30 years, including 14 seasons of A Christmas Carol . We sat down with Lockwood to hear more about what it’s like to integrate a familiar role into an ever-changing cast. James Carpenter as Scrooge and Sharon Lockwood as Mrs. Dilber in A.C.T.'s 2017 production of A Christmas Carol . Photo by Kevin Berne. How does it feel to return to the same role every year? Like getting in touch with an old friend? Old friends? Yes! It's so nifty to play two wildly different characters back and forth in the course of a show, even changing make-up in between. Dominique [Lozano], our director, is always coming up with ways to fi...